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Developing a Strategic Plan for Renown Health


Renown Health, northern Nevada’s largest integrated health network, serves a broad region encompassing northern Nevada and northeast California. It includes three hospitals, a health plan with 100,000 members, an ACO, and an employed medical group of more than 250 physicians. The system has received national recognition in several categories.


To respond to a persistent local economic downtown, poor population health indicators that are a barrier to success in population health management, and a leadership transition. “Business as usual” is not sufficient to compete successfully in the market.

Renown undertook its strategic planning process amidst an important leadership transition. Renown’s new President and CEO began his tenure while the strategic planning process was underway, a significant change that Veralon managed successfully.


The strategic planning process established a new strategic direction and three priorities as areas of focus over the next five years: integrate care and manage population health; build key relationships; and grow scale and scope with a focus on innovation.

The first area of focus, integrate care and manage population health, is meant to achieve Renown’s desired triple aim (improve the patient experience, achieve better health through improved outcomes, and manage or reduce costs).

The second strategic priority is to build key relationships. In order to be successful in a competitive market, Renown must develop and strengthen relationships to improve the health of the communities it serves and partner with various types of organizations to improve education, research, accessibility, and quality of care, and increase tertiary referrals to its main campus from affiliates in the region.

The third strategic priority is for Renown to grow its scale and scope of services while remaining on the forefront of innovation in its market. In order to achieve the organization’s new mission and vision to improve the health of the communities it serves, Renown requires more capacity in specific existing services, as well as new services that do not exist within the system today. The initiatives account for both traditional growth (volume, revenue, etc.) and new era growth (covered lives, network providers, etc.).

Renown has begun to implement the strategies that were identified. Renown has outlined its new direction as set by the strategic plan on its website which can be accessed at https://www.renown.org/about-us/vision/.