
The Scale Imperative for Academic Medical Centers: Part 1 & 2

by Alan M. Zuckerman, Retired Veralon Director & Chair; and Robert N. Golden, MD
Journal of Healthcare Management
Jan/Feb 2014

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Alan Zuckerman, FACHE, FAAHC, Retired Veralon Director & Chair Robert N. Golden, MD, Robert Turrell professor in medical leadership, dean of the School of Medicine and Public Health, and vice chancellor for medical affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The (Gradual) Shift to Value-Based Reimbursement

Most current strategic plans appropriately focus on developing capabilities and capacity to support the transition to value-based reimbursement (VBR) as it is anticipated that a decreasing proportion of future reimbursement will be based on fee-for-service (FFS) alone.  Uncertainty remains regarding both the pace of and extent to which this transition will occur.  Save for the […]