We’re excited to share a 3-part series on enterprise risk management, where Marian Jennings shares how hospital boards should be evaluating risk and handling uncertainty for their organizations.
Prior to the pandemic, we learned something quite surprising. In a Veralon survey, only 42% of respondents viewed the financial losses on employed physician enterprises as “unacceptable” or a “major priority.” Perhaps “surprising” is too tame a description. We were “shocked.” At the time of our survey, the level of losses typically varied between $150,000-$200,000 […]
Dan Grauman, CEO and Managing Director of Veralon, brings to the table over 35 years of experience in healthcare as he discusses the three most important things to know about hospital M&A in a post-pandemic world.
What do you need to know about hospital physician deals now? How did this pandemic change the landscape? What are the specific valuation considerations in this post COVID environment that you need to be aware of for upcoming deals? Watch the video!
It is the opportune time to build relationships with independent physicians. As always, one answer does not fit all so leadership needs to assess each individual physician and the appropriate models with care and attention. After more than two months into the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation for many independent practices remains shaky. Practices are struggling […]
Drawing from literature and personal experience, Stephen Beeson, MD, Founder of the Clinician Experience Project, describes three things hospital leadership can do to address clinician burnout.
Stephen Beeson, MD, Founder of the Clinician Experience Project, provides the humanitarian case for looking after the wellness of clinicians by sharing his personal reflection on the journey to becoming a physician.
Stephen Beeson, MD, Founder of the Clinician Experience Project, quantifies the impact of clinician burnout and makes a compelling business case for why hospital leadership should pay close attention to this issue, especially in the wake of a pandemic.
Steven Summer, Retired President & CEO, Colorado Hospital Association, provides a three-pronged approach to crisis management to best position your organization before a potential crisis.