How is Covid-19 affecting hospitals?

In this 90 second excerpt, Dan Grauman (CEO of Veralon Partners), outlines the 3 most impactful ways that the Covid-19 crisis is affecting hospital operations in the immediate term. He attributes the financial impact to the increased cost of treating Covid-19 patients, the reduction of profitable elective treatments and drastic change in employed physician hours. […]

On-boarding 50+ new learners in the last 48 hours #teamwork

With the Covid 19 crisis in full swing, we’ve had an influx of hospital trustees reengaging with education while quarantined. In the last 48 hours, the iPro team has rallied to on-boarded over 50 new learners and schedule over 250 courses into learner’s Individual Learning Pathways. Shout out to Heath for pitching in to help […]

Ambulatory Care Planning: A Quantitative Approach

by Craig Holm, Director
and Scott Stuecher, Manager

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Ambulatory care has grown dramatically in recent years, and all signs point to continued growth. In 2017 (the most recent year for which data is available), net outpatient service revenue equaled 95% of net inpatient revenue, an increase from 83% in 2013.[1] Clearly every hospital and health system must have an effective ambulatory care strategy. […]

Four Keys to Ensuring High Quality Care by Your Post-Acute Care Strategic Partners

by Mark J. Dubow, Director

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It is increasingly important for hospitals and health systems to be proactive in enhancing and ensuring the quality of care in those post-acute care (PAC) facilities to which they refer patients. This influence is critical to preventing prolonged recovery periods with their associated increase in the cost of care. Hospitals also want to assure that […]

Checklist: Discussing Onboarding Issues Before Closing a Physician Practice Acquisition

by Rudd Kierstead, Principal

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Many of the reasons why physician practice acquisitions come apart after the deals are finalized fall under the category of “operational incompatibility.” Too often, the team that negotiates the deal is not the same team that is charged with operationalizing the deal. As a result, potential administrative and management problems — from physician appointment schedules […]