Urgent Care: Understanding Value to Manage Transaction Expectations

by Danielle Bangs, Manager & Jordan Klein, Associate

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Urgent care is in the investor spotlight. Private equity, venture capital, health insurers, and health systems all want a piece of it, and transaction activity in the industry is high. Despite this flurry of activity, the industry remains largely fragmented, and the size and nature of urgent care companies varies dramatically. This variation, as well […]

CMS Finalizes Bundled Payment Models

In the final days of 2016, CMS finalized new mandatory bundled payment models for cardiac and orthopedic care, set to launch this year. The final rule also made several modest adjustments to the existing Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) model (finalized in late 2015 and currently underway). The final rule is published in the […]

Catching Up on Sector-in-Depth Reports: VBP and Pensions

Moody’s Investors Service recently released two of its Sector-in-Depth reports that may be of interest to our subscribers. One focuses on how quality-based reimbursement affects financial performance, and the second discusses hospitals’ issuing debt to fund pensions. Brief summaries appear below. The full reports will be published with our next course in January.   Financial […]

Moody’s 2017 Outlook Projects Stability but Persistent Operating Pressures

Moody’s Investors Service 2017 Outlook for not-for-profit and public healthcare predicts stability over the next 12 to 18 months.   Its analysts base projections on 0 to 1 percent operating cash flow growth and solid patient volume and revenue growth. Technology and operational investments, however, will continue to bring pressure on hospitals and systems.   […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Develop Ambulatory Care Satellites

by Craig E. Holm, Director

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Despite the attention being given to potential repeal of the Accountable Care Act, we can be reasonably certain that some aspects of health care reform are unlikely to be overhauled anytime soon—or possibly, at all. Among these is the shift to and emphasis on value-based payment, with its focus on providing high quality care in […]

Medicaid Expansion Likely on the Chopping Block

Expecting significant movement to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) early in the next Administration, financial analysts have expressed concern that the proposed changes to Medicaid are likely to have the largest financial impact on hospitals. Since implementation, the ACA marketplaces/exchanges have garnered more media coverage, but hospitals saw more activity from those […]

Comments from Experts on Life Span of Value-Based Payment Models

Many questions have arisen about the future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) since the election. From providers’ point of view, iProtean, now part of Veralon expert and Veralon Managing Director and CEO Dan Grauman noted the “repeal” of ACA probably will not eliminate alternative payment models (ACOs, bundled payments, etc.).   Grauman noted in […]

CMS Releases Estimates on Amount Available for Incentive Payments

CMS estimates that the hospital value-based purchasing program (VBP) will have approximately $1.8 billion dollars for value-based incentive payments for FY 2017 hospital discharges.   The incentive pool is funded by reducing the base operating Medicare Severity diagnosis-related group (MS-DRG) payment amounts that determine the Medicare payment for each hospital inpatient discharge. For fiscal year […]

CMS Wants More Providers to Participate in Advanced APMs

CMS will reopen applications for new practices and payers in the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) model and for new participants in the Next Generation Accountable Care Organization (ACO) model for the 2018 performance year. Clinicians in the Oncology Care Model (OCM) with two-sided risk in 2017 will qualify as participants in an advanced alternative […]

How Risk Affects Valuation

by Denise Palencik, Manager

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Business valuation is as much an art as a science. It not only requires technical knowledge of valuation methodologies, it requires the valuator to have significant judgement and the industry experience to evaluate the entity in the context of a broad understanding of the industry. One area where a valuator must exercise considerable judgement is […]