Are you developing financial projections for business planning or an upcoming valuation? During COVID-19, each organization was uniquely impacted by management decisions, state and local policy, and specialty-specific challenges or opportunities, etc. Normalizing financials moving forward should proceed with these considerations. Click here to view how various factors impact these projections.
The road through COVID-19 likely will be uneven for not-for-profit systems, with factors such as geography, cash position, unemployment and soft demand for services all playing a role. But for some systems, year two of the pandemic could also prove to be the right time for growth. In our “Anatomy of a Deal” series, we’ll […]
Board members of not-for-profit community hospitals face enormous pressure to protect their community’s access to care. Even when the economic reasons for hospital mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are compelling, the decision to give up control to another system cannot be made based on purchase price alone. It’s just one reason why not-for-profit board members must […]
The health care industry continues to consolidate at a rapid pace. Although the pandemic has delayed the implementation of some transactions and even compelled some organizations to cancel plans to merge or affiliate, others that would not likely have sought out affiliation options are now doing so. Under normal circumstances, key due diligence considerations pertaining […]
Hospital mergers and acquisitions (M&A) slowed down during the pandemic, with M&A volume declining each quarter and sinking to a 10-year low as management teams focused on the immediate operational priorities of the pandemic. Now, as the initial shock of the pandemic wears off, leaders who were leaning toward partnership before the pandemic are left […]
As hospitals rethink their approach to care delivery during the pandemic, many also are weighing whether partnership is needed. Now is a good time for leaders to consider: What would make an ideal partner? Even as hospitals face extreme financial pressure following COVID-19, some independents are finding that their financial standing may not be as […]
As hospital revenue shrivels amid the coronavirus pandemic, it’s time for independent hospitals to look in the mirror to determine how they stack up. Conducting a self-assessment isn’t just a useful approach for evaluating your organization’s capacity to survive the financial turmoil wrought by the pandemic. It’s also critical for recognizing what your organization brings […]
When it comes to developing a financial recovery plan for COVID-19, independent hospitals face more of an uphill climb than other hospitals. With 40 percent of hospitals reporting their revenue had been cut in half during the first month of the COVID-19 pandemic alone—and 55 percent reporting they had less than six months of days […]
COVID-19 delivered a gut punch to the outlook for not-for-profit hospitals in 2020, moving from a “stable but delicately balanced” outlook this past January to a negative outlook in late March due to the rapidly evolving pandemic. While independent hospital leaders have always needed to keep a careful eye on their organization’s ability to remain […]