Effective December 31, 2024, Veralon will be continuing its legacy as part of VMG Health. Click here to read the news release.

Scenario Planning: Preparing for Unforeseen Events

Future uncertainty of the health care environment is creating unprecedented challenges for health care organizations. To manage  risk in uncertain times, scenario planning, which helps organizations adapt more successfully to unexpected future conditions, is an effective tool to incorporate into the strategic planning process. There are two potential approaches to incorporate scenario planning into the […]

Strategic Planning Process Highlight: The External Assessment

A complete strategic plan will always include an external assessment.  The external assessment should examine the organization’s historical performance as it relates to its respective marketplace, including analysis of the market’s historical performance as well as anticipated future trends and forecasts.  The external assessment has five main components: 1.  Review of demographic, economic, and health […]

What is Strategic Thinking?

For organizations to insert creativity, intuition, a future orientation, and new perspectives into its strategic planning process, strategic thinking is required. It is the type of thinking that attempts to determine what an organization should look like in the future. Strategic thinkers ask questions such as: “What are we doing now that we should stop […]

How Do You Ensure Participation in the Strategic Planning Process?

Participation and collaboration are not only ideal in any strategic planning process, they are essential.  In previous posts, we’ve discussed the importance of having a variety of stakeholders throughout your organization participate in the strategic planning process to gain buy-in for the final plan.  Just as important in knowing who to have participate, is knowing […]

The Effective Strategic Planning Retreat

One effective way to involve a large stakeholder group in the strategic planning process is through a leadership retreat. A retreat can be an opportunity to kick off the process, gather feedback, or transition to implementation. Additionally, annual retreats are an effective way to update your strategic plan throughout the current planning horizon.   To […]

Strategic Planning Process Highlight: The Internal Assessment

An important component of any strategic plan is an accurate internal assessment of the organization. It combines data analysis with qualitative information and analysis to formulate an accurate profile of the historical performance.  Along with the external assessment, it establishes the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) and identifies competitive advantages and disadvantages that […]

Organizing Your Strategic Planning Process

Successful strategic planning begins with careful, thoughtful organization. One mistake commonly made in an organization’s strategic planning process is the failure to appropriately organize the process before diving into the work and/or analyses. To avoid this mistake, organizations are encouraged to spend time working through an organizational phase prior to engaging in the actual planning […]