Many health care organizations that undergo a strategic planning process come across common issues that can cause a plan to derail or stall. Some of the typical problems that can limit the effectiveness of strategic planning process include: Failing to involve the right people There are times when too many or too few stakeholders are […]
Community hospitals are facing a new era of health care where shrinking margins are not the only concern. They will be responsible for managing the health of the community, as opposed to just episodic treatment. In order to meet this need, the community hospital must be able to provide, or engage a partner to provide, […]
Once the majority of a strategic planning cycle has occurred – including a thorough environmental assessment, comprehensive review and appropriate revision of mission, vision and values, and development of goals and strategies – a transition will take place, shifting attention away from planning activities and toward more action-oriented implementation activities. Engaging in structured and objective […]
We recently received the following question from an attendee during our ACHE Cluster session, Strategic Planning from Formulation to Action, in Phoenix: What is the link between the critical planning issues established in the environmental assessment and the vision established in the organizational direction phase of the strategic planning process? In order to best address […]
We recently received the following question from an attendee during our ACHE Cluster session, Strategic Planning from Formulation to Action, in Phoenix: What is the risk of not assessing your organization’s strengths and weaknesses accurately at the outset of a strategic planning process? A strategic planning process is an optimal time to hold a mirror […]
We recently received the following question from an attendee during our ACHE Cluster session, Strategic Planning from Formulation to Action, in Phoenix: How often should we go through a full strategic planning process vs. just update our existing strategic plan? The need or desire to complete or update a strategic plan will vary greatly by […]
How often should an organization’s mission statement be revisited and under what circumstances should it be changed? Unlike a vision statement, a mission statement is usually an enduring message that remains constant throughout an organization’s existence. There are numerous examples of health care organizations with mission statements that were established at the organization’s founding a […]
We recently received the following question from a registered attendee during our ACHE Cluster session, Strategic Planning from Formulation to Action, in San Antonio: What is the relationship between a corporate strategy and the strategy for regional sites? Health care organizations are changing to keep pace with an evolving market. Many organizations that previously had […]
We recently received the following question from a registered attendee during our ACHE Cluster session, Strategic Planning from Formulation to Action, in San Antonio: If there are problems during strategic plan implementation, how does the plan need to be adjusted – at the initiative or the tactical level? A strategic plan should be concrete enough […]
We recently received the following question from a registered attendee during our ACHE Cluster session, Strategic Planning from Formulation to Action, in San Antonio: When you seek board approval of a strategic plan, what are they actually approving (the whole plan, organizational direction, goals, initiatives)? Our firm advocates that the board play an active role […]