3 Key Factors to Analyze as Cardiac Procedures Move to Outpatient

by Mark J. Dubow, Director
and Ross Shuster, Manager

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By recategorizing procedures previously designated inpatient only, CMS is actively redirecting a significant number of cases to Hospital Outpatient Department (“HOPD”) and community-based ambulatory surgery center (“ASC”) settings. We have discussed the impact this will have on outpatient surgery, and strategies to prepare. This outpatient shift will also affect cardiac services, creating both risks and […]

Launching a Community Oncology Center: 5 Key Considerations

by Meredith Inniger, Manager

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Rapid evolution in diagnostics and treatment for cancer care, innovation through genomics and predictive analytics, the continuing shift toward value-based care are hastening the migration of oncology from hospital settings to community-based centers.  This raises the question: Is now the right time to invest in a community oncology center? The experiences of multiple health systems […]

The Surgery Shift from Inpatient – Assessing the Financial Impact

by Mark J. Dubow, Director
and Meredith Inniger, Manager

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Surgery has long been a key driver of hospital profitability. Effectively handling the new Medicare outpatient surgery rule[1] and subsequent care shift to outpatient settings is critical to long term financial success. This rule includes several important policy changes, most notably the elimination of the Inpatient Only List on a phased schedule through CY2024 when […]

3 Ways to Build Relationships with Physicians Now

by Karin Chernoff Kaplan, Director
and Rudd Kierstead, Principal

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Many independent physicians are financially challenged as the COVID-19 impact continues. Some may find employment or other alignment opportunities attractive now, even if they have not shown interest in the past. Health systems that work to develop relationships with these physicians now will be at an advantage.

Interactions of Medicare Alternative Payment Models

by John Harris, Director
and Amanda Brown, Manager

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CMS continues to authorize voluntary and mandatory alternative payment models (APMs) to shift risk to providers. Beyond choosing which models offer the best opportunity, providers must evaluate the impact of participating in multiple APMs simultaneously. Overlapping APMs can be synergistic or self-defeating. Where simultaneous participation is an option, overlapping incentives are complicated and may not […]

Why It May Be Time for Health Systems to Restructure their Physician Enterprises

by Daniel M. Grauman, Managing Director & CEO
and John Harris, Director

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Even before the pandemic, the median loss per physician employed by a hospital or health system totaled more than $278,000. Now, as hospitals face their biggest financial crisis ever, hospital leaders must consider: “Is there a better structure for our physician enterprise?” The pain points that hospitals and physicians experience under an employed physician enterprise […]

Choosing the Optimal Strategic Relationships

by Mark Dubow, Director
and John Harris, Director

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Your organization’s near-term success is dependent on emerging from COVID in full sprint to address critical strategic initiatives and new opportunities. Strategic relationships can provide access to capabilities, expertise and speed to market that are superior to a “build” or “buy” approach. While traditional relationships (other hospitals/systems, health plans, etc.) offer a degree of support, […]

5 Key Benefits of a Service Line Management Structure

by Lynda Mischel, Principal
and Meredith Inniger, Manager

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Often service lines are just a marketing tool, branding assorted practices as a specialty service line without connecting the services in a meaningful way. By establishing a management structure for service lines, hospitals and health systems can create an organized system of care for patients to progress smoothly from service to service. As health systems […]

Taking Virtual Meetings to the Next Level: 7 Tips for Facilitation

by John Harris Director
and Meredith Inniger, Manager

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Are you deciding whether to hold a virtual retreat/meeting or to postpone until it can be in person? Virtual retreats can be very effective, preparing your organization for quicker action when the pandemic clears. Remote meetings will continue well into 2021, and maybe beyond as work models and meeting expectations shift. How can you effectively […]