New Report: Readmissions Reduction Program Doesn’t Increase Observation Stays

Through Congressional direction and previous Administration initiatives, Medicare has implemented incentives to reduce hospital readmissions. One example is the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP), which financially penalizes hospitals with relatively high rates of Medicare readmissions.   One of the criticisms of the program has been the anticipation of an increase in the number of observation […]

Moody’s: Integrated Planning Essential for Financial Viability Part 2

We’re continuing the summary of the Moody’s Investors Service report on integrated planning and financial viability. Last week we covered investments in off-campus sites while maintaining high-margin inpatient services.   Today we focus on the remaining components of integrated planning: digitalization, investment in talent and operational and funding flexibility.   Digitalization   Information technology investments […]

Moody’s: Integrated Planning Essential for Financial Viability

Evolving industry pressures will require hospitals/systems to focus on their business strategies and prudent allocation of limited capital and financial resources.  Financial viability and competitiveness will require expanded patient access, digital efficiencies, top talent and financial flexibility.   Moody’s Investors Service analyzed each of the above components in its recent Sector-in-Depth, Flexibility, integrated planning key […]

Moody’s: Considerations for the Board’s Investment Committee

Balance sheet strength, measured on both an absolute and relative basis, as well as liquidity, significantly drives not-for-profit and public hospitals’ credit quality. Stock market growth over the last several years has been impressive. However, in keeping with historic trends, volatility—temporary market fluctuations or a short-term downturn—will trouble institutional investors in the near term, according […]

Moody’s: Preliminary Medians Show Declining Hospital Profitability

Moody’s Investors Service recently released its preliminary medians for 2017. The results show a continuing decline in not-for-profit and public hospitals’ profitability metrics. Margins hit 10-year lows—falling below levels seen during the last recession.   Profitability margins mark 10-year low. The median operating cash flow margin dipped to 8.1% as expense growth outpaced revenue growth […]

Capital Markets: Balancing Opportunity with Uncertainty

Capital markets, which have been relatively stable over the last several years, have begun a slow but consistent rise in interest rates. This means healthcare organizations should prepare for a higher cost of capital.   The outlook becomes confusing, however, because of “recent significant policy developments” from the current congress and administration, notes the author […]

CMS Reveals New Stance on ACO Risk Contracts and Medicaid Limits

No Medicaid lifetime limits and a hard stance on ACO risk contracts highlighted CMS head Seema Verma’s talk at the American Hospital Association’s recent annual meeting.   “We’re determined to make sure that Medicaid remains the safety net for those who need it most,” Verma said. “To that end, we have determined we will not approve […]

Internalizing Enterprise Risk Management

As the healthcare market expands and evolves, the inherent risks also are increasing. These risks include: The shift from volume to value The rise of the consumer and expansion of consumer options New payment models Mobile strategies New entrants An aging population Continued political and regulatory uncertainty   Whereas hospitals/systems have traditionally done well at […]

Merger Transactions Trend Upward in 2018, But at Higher Rate

Several deal-tracking companies reported an increase in hospital transactions in the first quarter of 2018—from 25 to 36 transactions depending on the tracking company. All noted it’s the second highest number of quarterly transactions in the last 10 years.   Transactions included: For-profit divestures Mega mergers worth more than $1 billion Announced transactions involving teaching […]