Finding a Partner with the Right Cultural Fit: 4 Strategies

by Meredith Inniger, Manager

Open PDF file > It’s healthcare’s version of dating: sizing up another organization for a potential partnership or merger. Seventy-one percent of healthcare leaders expect their organization’s merger, acquisition, or partnership activity to increase over the next three years. With continued changes to healthcare’s competitive landscape, hospital mergers and acquisitions (M&As) reached a record high […]

Healthcare Strategic Planning: Fifth Edition

by John M. Harris, Editor
Meredith Inniger, Editor
and Contributing Authors

Healthcare Strategic Planning, Fifth Edition provides guidance for every stage of strategic planning and implementation: analyzing the environment, crafting strategy, putting the plan into action, and assessing the results. It describes the crucial decisions that must be made and the preparatory steps that must be taken for effective planning. This new edition contains the most recent […]

A Strategy for Post-Acute Care

by Idette Elizondo, Manager & Amanda Brown, Senior Associate

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Hospitals and health systems have not historically focused on post-acute care. However, several factors are now motivating them to develop or strengthen their ties with post-acute care providers and establish an explicit post-acute care strategy. Acute care providers need to develop strong collaborative relationships with post-acute providers to ensure access to the post-acute care capacity […]

The Evolving Academic-Community Partnership: Part II – The Proactive Collaborator

by Katherine Cwiek, Manager & Laura Zacchigna, Senior Associate

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Proactive collaboration allows AMCs and community counterparts to benefit from each other’s strengths, creating value that wasn’t necessarily sought or derived from more traditional partnering approaches. In Part I of this blog post on partnerships between community hospitals/systems and academic/major teaching centers (“AMCs”) we: Explored changes in AMC rationale for pursuing partnerships and partner attributes […]

The Evolving Academic-Community Partnership: Part I

by Katherine Cwiek, Manager & Laura Zacchigna, Senior Associate

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Industry transformation requires major adaptations from healthcare organizations – to increase scale, enhance scope, and achieve differentiation, among others. Partnerships can be a key vehicle to facilitate and pursue these adaptations. Partnerships between academic and community hospitals/health systems are a unique sub-set of healthcare provider partnerships. Academic providers aligning with their community counterparts is, of […]