Assessing the Financial Impact of a Hospital Acquisition: Six Factors

by Sean Looby, Senior Associate

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Once a letter of intent (“LOI”) is executed for the acquisition of a community hospital or health system, a due diligence process that assesses all aspects of the target organization will ensue. A key component of the due diligence process is developing a deep understanding of the likely future financial performance of both the organization […]

The Evolving Academic-Community Partnership: Part II – The Proactive Collaborator

by Katherine Cwiek, Manager & Laura Zacchigna, Senior Associate

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Proactive collaboration allows AMCs and community counterparts to benefit from each other’s strengths, creating value that wasn’t necessarily sought or derived from more traditional partnering approaches. In Part I of this blog post on partnerships between community hospitals/systems and academic/major teaching centers (“AMCs”) we: Explored changes in AMC rationale for pursuing partnerships and partner attributes […]

Post-Acute Care Partners: A Make-or-Break Choice

by Mark Dubow, Director

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Your selection of post-acute care (“PAC”) partners can make or break your value-based payment programs and care management initiatives. Even where fee-for-service is still dominant, having the right post-acute care partners can improve economic performance by reducing length of stay and minimizing acute care readmissions. Most health systems and hospitals do not own PAC facilities, […]