Thinking About Developing a Freestanding Emergency Department? Four Reasons to Reconsider

by Carol Davis, Principal & Laura Zacchigna, Manager
Becker's Hospital Review
February 2018

There has been tremendous growth in freestanding emergency departments (FSEDs), with a more than 100% increase in the number of such EDs between 2008 and 2016. The popularity of FSEDs is rooted in their potential to increase community access to vital healthcare resources. Consumers perceive them as having more extensive clinical capabilities than an urgent […]

Healthcare Strategic Planning: Fifth Edition

by John M. Harris, Editor
Meredith Inniger, Editor
and Contributing Authors

Healthcare Strategic Planning, Fifth Edition provides guidance for every stage of strategic planning and implementation: analyzing the environment, crafting strategy, putting the plan into action, and assessing the results. It describes the crucial decisions that must be made and the preparatory steps that must be taken for effective planning. This new edition contains the most recent […]

A Strategy for Post-Acute Care

by Idette Elizondo, Manager & Amanda Brown, Senior Associate

Open PDF file >

Hospitals and health systems have not historically focused on post-acute care. However, several factors are now motivating them to develop or strengthen their ties with post-acute care providers and establish an explicit post-acute care strategy. Acute care providers need to develop strong collaborative relationships with post-acute providers to ensure access to the post-acute care capacity […]