Performing due diligence can seem like a “check the boxes” exercise as organizations verify material facts, gain a clear view of the risks involved, and more. But there is strategic value in due diligence, especially in identifying the impact of the transaction on existing partnerships and relationships. Such insight empowers post-transaction planning and sets the […]
Becker's Hospital Review
November 10, 2017
Like most employees, physicians benefit from a supportive environment. Unfortunately, many hospitals and health systems rush right past creating such an environment, instead immediately asking newly employed physicians to increase production, optimize in-house referrals, reduce emergency department use, pay more attention to cost, and support other initiatives. Read the full article on Becker’s Hospital […]
HFM Blog
December 4, 2017
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We examine how to improve the negotiating position of hospitals and health systems entering into contracts with physicians, while ensuring compliance.
Meredith Inniger, Editor
and Contributing Authors
Healthcare Strategic Planning, Fifth Edition provides guidance for every stage of strategic planning and implementation: analyzing the environment, crafting strategy, putting the plan into action, and assessing the results. It describes the crucial decisions that must be made and the preparatory steps that must be taken for effective planning. This new edition contains the most recent […]
HFM Blog
November 2016
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Stuart Schaff and Karin Chernoff Kaplan present five considerations that health system leaders should keep in mind when recruiting physicians.
Although the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 made hospital-physician joint ventures less financially attractive, those arrangements could still be strategically smart. Michael Rovinsky discusses the benefits of hospital-physician joint ventures.
John M. Harris and Craig E. Holm describe howimplementation of MACRA bring significant strategic implications for hospitals and health systems as well and physicians.
Healthcare system executives are well aware that physician employment agreements must be consistent with Stark and Anti-Kickback legislation requiring that they not pay more than fair market value (FMV) for any services provided or received. However, quantitative benchmarking is only part of the story. As regulatory scrutiny continues to increase, it is imperative that certain […]
hfm Blog
May 12, 2016
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Veralon’s Rich Chasinoff and Karin Chernoff Kaplan explain how practice lease arrangements between hospitals and physicians are a way to achieve alignment without a change in ownership.