Are There Physician Compensation Gaps Between Academic and Community Physicians?
The Surgical Specialties (Part 2)

by Karin Chernoff Kaplan, Managing Director

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Part 1 of this blog revealed that the increased blending of academic medical center and non-academic providers in the same health systems has led to compensation increases in the academic setting that outpaced those in the non-academic setting, for non-surgical specialties. We found the size of the difference in compensation between academic and community non-surgical […]

Fair Play, Fair Pay: Assuring Provider Pay Equity

by Karin Chernoff Kaplan, Managing Director

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It’s not easy to determine if there is equity in provider compensation across your organization, given the many departments, specialties, and roles—but it’s essential. Consider the following hypothetical: A local news source reports a 30% pay discrepancy between your male and female maintenance employees performing the same work. Chances are you would rather not have […]