Healthcare Strategic Planning, Third Edition

by Alan Zuckerman, Retired Veralon Director & Chair

Alan Zuckerman’s latest strategic planning book, Healthcare Strategic Planning, now in its third edition, takes a contemporary look at a traditional business planning process to show the nation’s hospitals what they need to do differently to meet the demands of operating under health care reform. What type of planning techniques and strategies will help hospitals […]

Organizing Your Strategic Planning Process

Successful strategic planning begins with careful, thoughtful organization. One mistake commonly made in an organization’s strategic planning process is the failure to appropriately organize the process before diving into the work and/or analyses. To avoid this mistake, organizations are encouraged to spend time working through an organizational phase prior to engaging in the actual planning […]

Prioritizing Among Priorities: How to Allocate Resources When Everything Seems Important

Once the majority of a strategic planning cycle has occurred – including a thorough environmental assessment, comprehensive review and appropriate revision of mission, vision and values, and development of goals and strategies – a transition will take place, shifting attention away from planning activities and toward more action-oriented implementation activities.  Engaging in structured and objective […]