Elevate your Organization’s Strategic Planning Approach

by John Harris, Managing Director
and Meredith Inniger, Principal

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Strategic planning is not a new concept in healthcare, but the practice is constantly evolving with the industry. Each organization needs to develop a planning process that fits its internal culture and process, building off the fundamentals of strategic planning. The graphic below showcases the healthcare strategic planning process and its four major activities. This […]

Why It May Be Time for Health Systems to Restructure their Physician Enterprises

by Daniel M. Grauman, Managing Director & CEO
and John Harris, Managing Director

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The median loss per physician employed by a hospital or health system totaled more than $249,000 in 2023. Now, as hospitals face their biggest financial crisis ever, hospital leaders must consider: “Is there a better structure for our physician enterprise?” The pain points that hospitals and physicians experience under an employed physician enterprise model are […]

10 High-Impact Initiatives for 2024 – The Board’s Role

by Mark Dubow, Director
and Meredith Inniger, Principal

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Leaders of hospitals and health systems continue to face several challenges from 2023 as well as an array of difficult new challenges as they move into 2024. Briefly, the challenges lying ahead include: Margins and cash position remain “weak” with slow volume recovery, constraining investment in new initiatives Clinical workforce shortages continue More competition from […]

10 High-Impact Initiatives for 2024

by Mark Dubow, Director
and Meredith Inniger, Principal

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Leaders of hospitals and health systems continue to face several challenges from 2023, as well as an array of difficult new challenges as they move into 2024. Briefly, the challenges that lie ahead include: Margins and cash position remain “weak” with slow volume recovery, constraining investment in new initiatives Clinical workforce shortages continue More competition […]

3 Threats to Hospitals—and What America’s Frontier State is Doing to Overcome Them

by Jeffery Adler, Managing Director

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Wyoming may be part of the nation’s frontier healthcare market, but the state is a reminder to hospital leaders everywhere of the challenges all hospitals face, no matter the level of sophistication or setting. It’s unmistakable: we’re all grappling with post-COVID’s three-headed monster of workforce shortages, externalities, and financial pressures. I was pleased to host […]

Why is Kaiser/Geisinger Such a Big Deal?

by John Harris, Managing Director
and Danielle Bangs, Director

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A colleague asked, “Why is the Kaiser/Geisinger announcement such a big deal? There have been a lot of mega mergers.” An excellent question. This was more than just a $95B insurer/health system acquiring a $7B one. Here’s why: Kaiser Permanente has long been recognized as an iconic leader in value-based care, but they have largely […]

2023 High-Impact Initiatives: Emerging from the Crisis

by Mark Dubow, Director
and Meredith Inniger, Principal

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Leaders of hospitals and health systems face an array of difficult challenges as they move into 2023. In light of the challenges providers face, the Veralon team has identified high-impact initiatives that may help systems turn the corner for a brighter 2023. Briefly, the challenges include: Weakened balance sheets that limit capital available for new […]

Prioritize Service Lines During Challenging Times

by Mark Dubow, Director

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Analyzing and prioritizing service lines like a portfolio can support focused growth, even during a financial crisis. Cost cutting is critical but insufficient to ensure viability and success when the financial crisis faced by health systems is prolonged, as it has been in 2022. Health systems must also grow revenue. Tight budgets and limited access […]

Why Amazon’s One Medical Deal Matters

by John Harris, Managing Director
and Danielle Bangs, Principal

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Amazon made a major move into healthcare in July when it announced plans to buy One Medical in a $3.9 billion deal. Suddenly, theoretical discussions about the future of healthcare—a future that could be dominated by tech giants such as Amazon, Google and Apple—came into sharp focus as the potential for Amazon to reinvent primary […]