Case Study: Strategies For Safety-Net Hospitals in an Era of Health Reform

Veralon recently completed a strategic and financial planning engagement with Metro Medical Center (MMC), a hospital in a Southern metropolitan area. MMC has historically played the role of the safety net hospital in this urban setting, relying heavily on state and federal funds to finance patient care. This reliance on government funding, coupled with increased […]

The Impact of Consolidating Markets on Academic Medical Centers

Strategies & Solutions

Academic medical centers (AMCs) are facing unprecedented financial pressure as funds for academic and research programs decrease, and competition for the remaining funds increases.  Federal funding continues to decline, and the shift toward population health management and translational research will drive investments in newer technologies and infrastructure required to support such endeavors. These compounding pressures […]

Building an Agile Organization Through Strategic Planning

by John Harris
HFMA Strategic Financial Planning
Winter 2014

Open PDF file >

Success in today’s environment often requires rapid action at
unpredictable times. The right strategic planning process can
drive your senior team to think strategically, prepare for
uncertainty, and respond with agility.